Agenda item

Communications Report

To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer (C&CEO).


Members welcomed an update on the Council’s website and agreed it needed updating as previously resolved. They noted the cost of an external supplier but felt more detail was needed on what the quote covered along with other comparable quotes. There was agreement the current website should be re-mapped, and a new theme should be tested in-house before committing to a larger project and outlay.


There was also some concern about the speed of the current website and although this would be looked at if externally sourced, it was felt it was not enough of an issue if the website was retained internally.


The Committee also noted an update on the resident’s satisfaction survey and an issue with glare, which was hindering viewing of the Council’s digital signage.




1.      That, the report be noted.

2.      That, re-mapping and a new theme for the Council’s website should be trialled internally.

3.      That, officers explore options for an anti-reflective shade for the digital signage.



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