To receive a notification of a Planning Appeal received for Land South East Of Oxford Hill, Witney - 20/02654/OUT.
The Committee received notice of the Planning Appeal Public Inquiry for APP/D3125/W/23/3333790- Land Southeast of Oxford Hill, Witney.
Officers advised that all of the Council’s consultee responses would form part of the documents reviewed by the planning inspectorate, it was also confirmed that Members were able to attend the inquiry if they wished to.
In response to a question from Cllr R Smith regarding a representative for the Town Council speaking in person at the inquiry, the Deputy Town Clerk advised he would provide further assistance on how to proceed if the Council wanted to protect its requested interests from this development.
1. That, the Planning Appeal be noted and,
2. That, advice on taking part in the planning inquiry is explored by the Deputy Town Clerk.
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