Agenda item

Public Halls Report

To receive and consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


Members were pleased to hear that improvements were being considered for a screen, projector and conferencing facilities and they welcomed the visual demonstration from the Head of Estates & Operations as to how these would be installed in the Gallery Room.


Members asked if consideration could be given to a wireless conferencing set up and that officers investigate any potential grant funding options such as those secured by the District Council for their refurbished meeting chamber. Members were all in agreement that they were happy for officers to proceed with the acquisition up to a cost of £7,500.


The Committee also looked forward to seeing the new storage solutions installed in the Corn Exchange which was due to commence on 16April 2024.


Members then considered a request from White Feather Spiritual Events to reduce their hire period from four to three hours which fell outside of usual Council policy. Members were in agreement subject to the review conditions noted in the report.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the purchase of conferencing equipment be delegated to the Head of Estates & Operations up to a maximum of £7,500, utilising funds from the General Reserve and,

3.      That, wireless options are explored for the above conferring equipment and,

4.      That, the request from White Feather Spiritual Events to reduce to a 3-hour hire period be agreed subject to the regular review as set out in the report.

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