Agenda item

Major Projects Update

To receive a verbal update at the meeting, if appropriate.


The Head of Estates & Operations provided a verbal update to the Committee on the progress of the Councils major projects.


The Leys Skate Park – This was on track for completion at the end of March and therefore opening event arrangements were being put into place.


West Witney Sports & Social Club – Funding applications were being worked on by Officers to maximise the opportunities for the Council to make minimise financial input. The specification of the design was also in progress and the outcome of the funding would allow for this to be finalised.


Leys Masterplan – Work had commenced however, with the multitude of contractors on site officers had had to deal with some inappropriate behaviour in order to ensure compliance and to protect grassed areas of the park.


Courtside Hubs CIC had commenced trading from their temporary location within the Mini Golf area and even at this early stage propose a July 2024 completion of the project.


WTC Depot – Officers had entered the final legal stages of the agreement for the temporary depot facility and were in the process of moving equipment from The Leys Recreation Ground site.


Consultations were taking place with stakeholders ahead of planning applications being submitted for the new permanent depot.




That, the verbal update be noted.