Agenda item

Leys Splash Park

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received the report of the Operation Manager along with a verbal update from the Head of Estates & Operations (HE&O) to update on the progress of the Leys Splash Park works.


The HE&O advised the scheme was at the exploration stage with officers seeking any potential external funding which could be maximised and to ensure the council was prudent with its spending.


Even if construction of a new splash park commenced immediately, then completion would not be until late summer 2024. Therefore, officers were considering what temporary arrangements could be put in place for 2024 whilst the Courtside Hubs CIC development at The Leys was ongoing. This would allow time to consult with users of the park and the plan would be to then commence after the summer season and have a new provision in place for opening for the 2025 season.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted.

2.      That, any decision be communicated ahead of the Easter School Holidays as the Splash Park would not be open at that time.

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