Agenda item

Thames Valley Police

A Local Police Officer will attend the meeting to give a brief report and answer questions on any relevant matters raised at the meeting.



The meeting received a verbal update from Inspector Chris Ball of Thames Valley Police with a general update on policing.


Over the previous six months he reported there had been 91 incidents of Criminal damage, 150 assault reports along with a similar level of shoplifting incidents. However, he was concerned that crimes were not being reported and explained how the lack of reporting leads to the resources allocated to his team being reduced.


He continued by reporting that his team had recently disbanded a county lines organisation which resulted in two individuals being sent to prison with a further two on bail.


Incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour remained low in his opinion at 106 incidents, again due potentially to non-reporting by residents and retail outlets. Hot spots had been identified on newer housing estates and TVP were working with developers and schools to combat this.


TVP would also be working with detached youth workers and would run sessions at the All-Terrain Pitch on Gordons Way over the summer period to engage with young people.


He was thankful to the support provided by the Town Council towards the new “Through their eyes” initiative that was due to be launched in the Corn Exchange on 26 March 2024. Hopefully, if successful this would be rolled out across the country.


Inspector Ball opened the floor to questions.


A resident asked for further clarification on the assaults figure provided; the Inspector confirmed this included all domestic assaults and that the majority of the figure was made up from incidents involving Licenced Premises. As a result of these assaults a force review was taking place with the potential for a 50% increase of officers on Friday & Saturday nights.


It was raised that there was a difficulty in reporting incidents to TVP due to the lack of a walk-in facility at Witney police station. Inspector Ball acknowledged this and understood the issue however, advised the yellow phone situated at the police station was able to be used to get hold of the Witney Team as well as Inspector Ball himself. Options for reporting online were also being explored.


Councillor J Doughty raised an issue with ASB on Downs Road due to speeding of motor vehicles, Inspector Ball advised that speeding was an issue however, it was data led and one of the ways individuals could assist was to participate in the Speedwatch scheme as the results of these checks were followed up by TVP where necessary.


Cllr Andrew Coles of Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) who was the Chair of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee explained that Witney did have a Speedwatch scheme in place and that anyone interested in joining could contact the Town Council for further details.


Cllr Coles (OCC) asked for details of when the crackdown of electric scooters would start. Inspector Ball advised that this was already happening and that sixteen Section 59 seizure notices had been issued by the Witney Team.


Questions were raised about cycling in and around the areas at the back of Henry Box School, St Marys Church, and Corn Street. Residents were concerned about the use of cycles on pavements and through the churchyard. Inspector Ball advised that TVP did work with schools and PCSO’s attended assemblies to educate students. In respect St Marys this was down to a lack of compliance from cyclists however, clearer signage would be one option to explore. A resident advised of a problem with resident parking in Corn Street and that the white cycle lines were not being used or adhered to.


Inspector Ball responded to a question regarding police being on the front line of a mental health crisis and agreed resourcing for such issues was an issue nationally.


Lastly a resident asked about the use of Witney police station since it closed; the Inspector advised of the various different teams of officers that used the station as a base and assured everyone present that it was not under occupied.