Agenda item

Riparian and Watercourse Works

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.



During Public Participation the Committee heard from the resident of Riverside Garden who expressed the concerns of residents of Riverside Gardens if action was not taken to help improve the flow of the river; she expressed her thanks to the Council, and in particular the Works Team who had provided their support and acknowledged the willingness for the one-off de-silting of the area around Bridge Street bridge to be considered, even though it was not the Town Council’s responsibility.


The spokesperson for the Witney Flood Group (WFG) explained that the WFG wrote in 2023, a joint letter with the Environment Agency to all Riparian owners along the stretch of river from The Bathing Place to the Old Railway Bridge just north of the A40 to request their support, however nothing had happened and therefore he confirmed that the group fully supported the proposal in the Operation Manager’s report to carry out the proactive action of de-silting in order to attempt to prevent further flooding and financial loss to business and residents of the area. It was estimated that business alone suffered over £300,000 of damages in the 2020 floods.


Members then heard from the Operations Manager who summarised his report.


Members were disappointed that the Environment Agency was not prepared to carry out the work, however they welcomed any assistance they could provide in expediating the permit for the Town Council to take action and hoped that it would be a catalyst for them to continue to monitor and maintain the area once the main de-silting had taken place.


The Operations Manager explained that the work was expected to cost £4,000 however, asked that Members considered a contingency of an additional £4,000. Officers would seek to reduce the amount by requesting grant assistance from Oxfordshire County Councillor’s priority funds and from Grange, the landlord of Riverside Gardens.


The Town Clerk confirmed that any monies would need to be taken from the General Reserve as this project was not included in the 2024/25 budget.


It was proposed by Cllr Collins and seconded by Cllr Aitman that the sum of £8,000 be allocated to the de-silting works. All members were in agreement.


There was a further proposal by Cllr Bailey and seconded by Cllr Smith that the Council write to both the Environment Agency and the parliamentary Minister responsible requesting a long-term maintenance plan to be put in place for the river through the town. All Members were in agreement.


Members also discussed the purchase of a portable winch to enable trees and debris to be removed by the council’s own works team, all members were in favour.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the Council writes to the Environment Agency and responsible parliamentary Minister to ask for a long-term plan and,

3.      That, £8,000 be allocated from the council’s General Reserve to fund the de-silting of the river around the Bridge Street bridge and,

4.      That, Officers proceed with obtaining the relevant permits for the de-silting work and,

5.      That, the acquisition of a portable winch at a cost of £2,049 be approved.



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