Agenda item

Grants & Subsidised Lettings

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee considered Discretionary Grant Applications for the 2023/24 financial year from Witney Town Band, Witney Day Centre, Broadhill Pre-School, Oxfordshire Mind and  Life Education Wessex & Thames Valley and supported these awards unanimously.


Members considered the request from Buttercross Scouts and agreed unanimously that a grant of £3,500 should be awarded. Officers were asked to provide details of the West Oxfordshire District Councils Westhive grant scheme as it was believed this would be a good avenue for the Scouts to access the additional funds they seek.


The Committee was unanimously in agreement of the request from the Mayor of Witney for a subsidised let of the Corn Exchange for an additional charity event.


The Committee further considered Discretionary Grant Applications for the 2024/25 financial year from Nature Now however thought the request exposed the council to risk if the sessions were not utilised. Members unanimously agreed that one set of six session should be granted.


Members also considered additional Grant Awards for Witney Carnival, Oxfordshire Play Association these requested grants were unanimously approved.


Members then considered the request to increase the annual grant provided to West Oxfordshire Community Transport. Members unanimously agreed the increase of £2,500 from £21,000 to £23,500 with a new three-year fixed agreement. The Town Clerk confirmed that this would continue to be paid monthly to WOCT.


Members were pleased to receive correspondence from Volunteer Link-Up thanking them for a £2,000 grant award.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the sum of £500, be awarded to Witney Town Band (Training Band and,

3.      That, the sum of £3,500, be awarded to Buttercross Scout Group and,

4.      That, the sum of £500, be awarded to Witney Day Centre and,

5.      That, the sum of £500, be awarded to Broadhill Pre-School and,

6.      That, the sum of £500, be awarded to Oxfordshire Mind and,

7.      That, the sum of £310, be awarded to Life Education Wessex & Thames Valley and,

8.      That, the sum of £10,000 be approved for Witney Music Festival and,

9.      That, the sum of £1,000 be approved for Oxfordshire Play Association and,

10.   That, a grant of £2,400 be approved for Nature Now/Where the Fruit is and,

11.   That, the subsided lettings application for the Mayor of Witney (£147) be approved and,

12.   That, the grant for WOCT be increased to £23,500 annually for a three-year term from 1 April 2024 and,

13.   That, the grant of £2,100 be approved for Witney Carnival and,

14.   That, the grant of £1,000 be approved for Oxfordshire Play Association and,

15.   That, these grants be awarded under the General Power of Competence and that the recipients be asked to acknowledge the Council’s financial contribution in their promotional literature and,

16.  That, the correspondence from Volunteer Linkup be noted.


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