Agenda item

Annual Town Meeting

To receive and consider the report of the Senior Administration Officer/Committee Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Committee Clerk.


The Chair provided a summary of the meeting explaining to the newer members that the meeting was a public meeting for the electors of Witney to speak about any issues they have in the town and that it was a non-political meeting.


Members discussed the options for layout of the hall, opting for Option two as this worked well at the previous year’s meeting and agreed it was more welcoming to sit around tables rather than have a top table of councillors sitting in a line facing the attendees. All members were in agreement.


Members welcomed the idea of grant recipient organisations being invited to the meeting, and for Café 1863 to be open to serve non-alcoholic drinks. Members agreed unanimously.


Members were encouraged to promote the meeting via all outlets. Officers would be advertising via posters, social media and printed press.




1. That, the report be noted and,

2. That, Option 2 be used for the layout and,

3. That, local grant recipients are invited to attend.




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