Agenda item

Application for Street Trading Consent - Witney High Street & Market Square

To receive and consider an application for Street Trading Consent for Witney Food & Drink Festival.


The Committee received and considered the application for a Street Trading Consent for Witney High Street and Market Square from West Oxfordshire District Councils (WODC) Licencing Team


Members were supportive of this event and acknowledged the benefits of this event to the town. However, Members raised concerns including:


·        Access to the High Street for emergency services which could be compromised by event vehicles, and stalls/stands positioned within the road.

·        The functioning of Bus stops, bus routes and blue badge parking during the period of setting up/take down and running of the event.

·        Assurance that security vehicles would not affect vision splays and that road junctions would not be adversely affected.

·        That the licencing team ensure that a full medical incident plan is provided by the event organiser.


Members also asked for an opportunity to review further documents including any revised or more detailed plans ahead of the consent being granted.




That, a no objection response be forwarded to the licencing team at West Oxfordshire DistrictCouncil with a request to receive updated information prior to the consent being granted.


Supporting documents: