Agenda item

Community Engagement Report

To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.



The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer (C&CEO)


Members welcomed the inclusion of the customer satisfaction questionnaire as part of the Spring Newsletter as this is an excellent way to obtain feedback from those residents that didn’t wish to or were not able to use email/internet.


On the subject of the Carnival, members were unanimous in support of participating in the parade and were enthusiastic about the theme. They discussed various potential TV programmes, settling on the characters of Trumpton and Camberwick Green.


There was some concern from Members that having a specific “Councillors at the Carnival” stall could distract from what should be a special and enjoyable day, however it was proposed that all councillors participate in supporting the usual Council’s children activity stall where they would be on hand to have an informal chat with residents with concerns.


A member suggested that Officer consider the activity to be making a Trumpton/Camberwick Green “peg doll” to compliment the councils parade theme.


Members also received a verbal update from the C&CEO regarding the Town Council’s 50th anniversary arrangements. Members provided additional suggestions for activities during the year which would utilise the remaining £2,500 unallocated budget towards events for different age groups throughout the year. Events suggested ranged from a Virtual Reality Day or silent disco for teens, family sports event such as rounders with an evening 70/80’s Disco provided by Windrush Radio and a film and buffet for seniors.


There was also the suggestion that the In Bloom awards could be given a “golden/50 year” theme.


The C&CEO would advise Members on the confirmed 50th Anniversary events as soon as possible.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, all councillors to participate in the Witney Carnival Parade and,

3.      That, the theme of the Councils parade be Camberwick Green and Trumpton and,

4.      That, Councillor to be available at support the children’s activity to chat to residents.


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