Agenda item

Corn Exchange Business Plan

To receive an updated draft Business Plan for the Corn Exchange, Witney.


The Committee received and considered the updated draft Corn Exchange Business Plan.


A Member raised their thoughts for consideration and potential inclusion in the plan; these included having a clear and concise Vision Statement, more definition in the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) so Members could see how the performance of the plan would be measured as well as seeking some clarity on some financial projections.


The Head of Estates and Operations (HE&O) responded to the points raised and explained the differences occurred due to the timing of the plan being updated and the closure of a further month of the Council’s accounting figures, which the Responsible Financial Officer confirmed.


In response to the question regarding KPI’s the HE&O advised that there were a number of specific measures in place however, these were managed operationally with the results being presented to the Committee via the Public Hall reports.


The HE&O advised the next review of the plan was due in May 2024. The review would see the inclusion of Burwell Hall and a Financial Appraisal of Cost Centre 103.


The Chair explained it was the Committee’s responsibility to set the Strategic aims and for Officers to create from that an Operational process to best implement them. A Member also reminded the Committee that a lot had been achieved in the previous five years and for Witney to now have a diverse and well used venue was a credit to the work of so many, Members were encouraged to support the Public Halls in any way they could.




1.      That, the Business Plan and verbal updates be noted and,

2.      That, the review of the plan take place in May 2024 to include additional financial information for both Corn Exchange and Burwell Hall.


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