Agenda item

Splash Pad Renovation Works

To receive the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received the report of the Operations Manager along with a verbal update from the Head of Estates & Operations regarding repairs required to the splashpad.


Members discussed the various options presented to them and were initially very reluctant to close the splashpad for the 2024 season knowing the disappointment that this would be to residents. However, members agreed that it would not make financial sense to enact a costly repair when the splashpad was reaching the end of its expected lifespan of ten years.


Members were unanimous in agreement of Option 4 to cap all splash pad inlets and remove the 10,000-litre tank from the Depot to allow the redevelopment of the Leys Masterplan area to commence.


Members went on to discuss the Communication of the closure in order to ease concerns of users and explain how the changes will fit in around the overall transformation of The Leys. Members, having seen the benefits of engagement around the redevelopment of the Skate Park asked that Officers adopt the same approach during the design stage to engage with the community and children who will use the new splashpad.


A Member asked that Officers investigate alternative play activities such as a large sandpit to replace the splashpad whilst work is completed. Members also asked that Officers prepare a draft plan and timeline for the splashpad replacement, to include details of how access will be restricted to the main play facilities; this to be presented at the next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, Officers proceed with Option 4 to cap all splash pad inlets and remove the 10,000 litre tank and,

3.      That, the splashpad be closed for the 2024 season and,

4.      That, Officers investigate alternatives to play while the splashpad is closed and,

5.      That, Officers prepare a timeline for the splashpad replacement along with a draft project design for the meeting on 4 March 2024.


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