Agenda item

Recreation Area Signage

To receive the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received the report of the Operations Manager regarding the erection of signage on the Council’s recreation grounds.


As previously discussed, when Members originally reviewed the signage, the signs should be informative and the list of activities that were not allowed be kept to a minimum. Perhaps with the use of smaller icons with the use of “tick” or a “cross” to encourage compliance. Also, a bullet pointed list that fulfilled the legal requirements along with  wording such as “please enjoy this space” could be considered.


To assist the public, Members asked that consideration be given to the use of a QR code to link directly to additional information about the recreation ground, such as how sports pitches can be booked.


It was advised by a Member that West Oxfordshire District Council had untaken a review of signage in the town and therefore Officers should consult with them to check any new signage is compatible with this larger project.


It was proposed by Cllr T Ashby and seconded by Cllr O Collins that a final decision is delegated to Cllrs Ashby, Crouch, Aitman along with the Chair and Mayor. All Members were in agreement.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, final approval of the signs be delegated to Cllrs Ashby, Crouch, Aitman, Newcombe and Collins and,

3.      That, Officers liaise with WODC to ensure that the new signage is suitable and,

4.      That, Officers review and update the online information for each recreation ground.


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