Agenda item

Motion - Corn Exchange Draft Business Plan

To consider the following motion in accordance with standing order 13.


Proposed by Cllr D Edwards-Hughes

Seconded by Cllr T Ashby


This council acknowledges the work which has taken place at the Corn Exchange, bringing new events and a different audience into the building so far. However, this council is concerned with the rising cost:income ratio. In the first draft of the councils 2024/25 Budget The Corn Exchange (including Cafe 1863) shows a subsidy required of £199,453 this year (Although it is acknowledged that this is not the final budget) equivalent to 10.7% of the town's precept.  This council requires the current draft business plan to be revised to reduce the subsidy to 5% of the precept, hence improving value to the tax payer.




The Council received and considered the following Motion.

Proposed by Cllr D Edwards-Hughes and Seconded by Cllr T Ashby.


This council acknowledges the work which has taken place at the Corn Exchange, bringing new events and a different audience into the building so far. However, this council is concerned with the rising Cost:Income ratio. In the first draft of the councils 2024/25 Budget the Corn Exchange (including Café 1863) shows a subsidy required of £199,453 this year (Although it is acknowledged that this is not the final budget) equivalent to 10.7% of the town's precept. This council requires the current draft business plan to be revised to reduce the subsidy to 5% of the precept, hence improving value to the taxpayer.


Cllr Edwards-Hughes opened the debate with an explanation of why a of 5% target had been declared in the Motion, he explained this was to ensure that the Council moved in the “right direction” and was based on the historical subsidy information he had reviewed. He also expressed his disappointment that despite the notification to Council in January 2023 that a Business Plan would to be drawn up by Officers this was not presented to the Halls, Cemeteries and Allotments Committee (HC&A) until November 2023, and only a Draft plan at that. He felt the motion was necessary to ensure that a final version of such a critical plan was completed, so that it was put to work as soon as possible.


The Chair advised that Officers stated at the November 2023 HC&A meeting that an updated Business Plan would be presented to the Committee on 22 January 2024 for consideration.


Several members provided their own thoughts and comments supporting the work which had gone into making the Corn Exchange successful and outlined the support it provided to the residents of the town, ranging from hosting free and subsidised events for all ages as well as it being a venue for  theatre, art, jazz, tea dances and a general hub for individuals and community groups to meet.


Members agreed that the Corn Exchange provided a huge social value, one that was difficult to measure in monetary terms and that, like any business it would take some time to build up its provision. It was hoped the plan would lead to a clearer picture of the subsidy required, however some members questioned if residents understood the true cost and how much they contributed from their council tax payments.


Closing remarks on the discussion were made by Cllrs Edwards-Hughes and Ashby. They asked that it be made clear that by bringing the Motion it was not their intention to cut services; it was important to provide a community space that could support the increasing growth of the town at an acceptable cost to the taxpayer.


A vote was taken with 6 for, 7 against with no abstentions. Therefore, it was:




That, the above motion proposed by Cllr Edwards-Hughes and seconded by Cllr Ashby be rejected by Witney Town Council.


Following the presentation and discussion of the motion and at the request of a point of order by a member, the Responsible Financial Officer provided an updated subsidy figure of £189,278 for 2023/24 which was a reduction on that which was provided in the draft business plan of November following further budgetary calculations.