Agenda item

Budget: Revenue Growth Items, Special Revenue Projects and Capital Projects

To receive and consider the report of the Responsible Financial Officer.



The Committee received and considered the report of the RFO regarding the growth items, along with special revenue and capital projects.


Members were advised this was the challenging part of the budget which, under growth items, included the day-to-day recurring expenditure over and above what it was doing already. A renewals fund formed part of this; it was good practice to budget for replacement where capital expenses were known.


A list of growth items had been prepared totalling £80,000 which would be taken forward in the budget process along with the larger capital and special revenue projects. There were earmarked reserves, but some flexibility might be required in the final budget.


Officers advised the cost of running facilities at Windrush Place was currently unknown, but it was unlikely these would be online before 2025/26 so there was time for further research on this.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the proposed revenue growth items for 2024/25 be approved, subject to funding and prioritisation and,

3.      That, the capital and special revenue projects for 2024/25 and beyond be approved, subject to any further necessary adjustments and,

4.      That, the Committee noted a further report would be forthcoming regarding costs and available income streams on budgets and impact on the precept.

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