Agenda item

Major Strategic Projects

To receive and consider the confidential report of the Project Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Project Officer which provided updates on projects underway at The Leys and West Witney Sports & Social Club.


Members were advised that a public engagement event regarding the redevelopment of the Skate Park had provided positive feedback which would be analysed by Officers and the contractor Bendcrete.


With regard to West Witney Sports & Social Club, a planning application had been submitted and so far the comments provided on the plans were positive.


Finally, a verbal update was provided on the Leys Masterplan by the Head of Estates and Operations. There had been some objections to the plans submitted by Courtside CIC and a meeting had taken place with concerned residents over access and parking. Further discussions would be required with other authorities and stakeholders on parking to avoid any delay in the plans being approved and the timeline being delayed. There were still concerns from Members on the tight timeframe, but they were reassured by the continuous communication between Courtside and Officers.




1.      That, the report be noted.

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