Agenda item

Resident's Satisfaction Survey

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk which provided the outcomes of the resident’s satisfaction survey.


Members were pleased to see the very positive responses to the Foral Display and Christmas Lights and the action that had already been taken to address concerns about the Bus Shelter provision. A question on the ownership of a flowerbed at Queen Emma’s Dyke was raised.


In response to a negative comment about the 2022 Remembrance event Councillor J Doughty took the opportunity to offer her thanks to all officers and staff involved in the 2023 Remembrance event that took place the day before. Members noted that the Council, and it’s officers facilitate, but do not run all events for the town.


Due to the number of “Not Applicable” responses to the Civic Events question members asked that this was reworded to include “Community Events” as it was thought that residents completing the survey were unaware of the events that the Council facilitates. It was agreed the Council would continue to display its support banners for events that it provides financial support to in order to highlight its presence.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised members that the newsletter due to be issued in January would include a calendar of dates of events so that residents are advised of and see the activities that the council facilitates. A member suggested the use of a QR code to a dedicated webpage to allow updated information to be shared as events planning progresses.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, an amendment is made to the Civic Events question in future editions of the survey and,

3.      That, the Officers investigate the ownership of the flower bed on the corner of Queen Emma’s Dyke and Corn Street and,

4.      That, Officers consider the use of QR codes in order to update residents of event details.







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