Agenda item

Communications Report

To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer which provided an update ahead of the preparation of the Spring 2024 Newsletter to residents and the Council’s 50th Anniversary in 2024.


Members discussed the items covered in the report and were very keen to commence campaigns to reduce the level of dog fouling and Vandalism; they felt these should be informative and carry a serious tone and supported the comments made about advising residents of the costs incurred to put right act of Vandalism.


Regular social media posts as well as traditional posters would be utilised and displayed in prominent positions including the council’s noticeboards, schools and the library.


Members also asked that the spring newsletter, as well as including details of costs incurred to put right act of vandalism, that it also included an explanation of the costs incurred by the council for providing or supporting the organisation of events and services such as the cost of football pitch maintenance, fairs, Christmas lights, warm/cold spaces days and other community benefits.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the wording “ Celebrating 50 Years” is added to the Commemorative Town Council logo and,

3.      That, campaigns are commenced to discourage dog fouling and highlight the financial impact of vandalism and,

4.      That, the spring newsletter include details of the services provided by the Council and costs incurred.




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