Agenda item

Pesticides Policy

To receive and consider the report and draft policy concenring the use of pesticides on Council owned land from the Operations Manager.


Members received and considered the report of the Operations Manager in relation to a Council Pesticides Policy on land it managed.


Members expressed their awareness that the use of Pesticides was a contentious subject but broadly supported the policy. A member suggested making contact with the Pesticide Action Group who offered support and advice on this issue.

They were pleased to see that pesticides would be used in a controlled manner. and wanted this point to be clearly stated at the head of the policy along with a caveat to explain that this would lead some areas looking less well kempt than others.


The Committee welcomed the use of mapping to illustrate the no-spray zones so that it was clear for any reading the policy to see. There were queries on listed areas in the draft policy and mapping would also help provide guidance.


Members were pleased to hear that the current work practices in respect of reduced mowing around the base of trees and the control of Ivy growth was successful and therefore were in agreement that this continued.


Members asked for additional information to be provided on the alternative mechanical or non-chemical options that had been discounted.





1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, a re-drafted policy be prepared for review at a future meeting of the Policy, Governance & Finance committee.


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