To receive and consider a schedule of Planning Applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.
To also note an updated consultee comment agreed by members concerning planning application 23/01203/RES - Reserved matters approval for local centre and associated infrastructure pursuant to outline permission 12/0084/P/OP. Land East Of Isabelle Spencer Way Witney Oxfordshire. Comments were required ahead of this meeting due to a short time frame provided by the Planning Authority following the submission of updated plans.
The Committee received and considered a schedule of planning applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.
Members noted that the address of the first application 23/02635/S73 on the agenda showed as 33 Beech Road however, the application was for 38 Beech Road. Members agreed that the application should still be considered.
Members also noted the Council’s agreed updated response to planning application 23/01203/RES - Reserved matters approval for local centre and associated infrastructure pursuant to outline permission 12/0084/P/OP. Land East of Isabelle Spencer Way Witney Oxfordshire. Comments had been collated and submitted ahead of this meeting due to a short time frame provided by the Planning Authority following the submission of updated plans.
1. That, the comments, as per the attached schedule be forwarded to West Oxfordshire District Council and,
2. That, the response for planning application 23/01203/RES be noted as submitted to WODC on 25 October 2023.
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