Agenda item

Revenue Growth Items, Special Revenue Projects, and Capital Projects

To receive and consider the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) with an update on the current year’s work programme relating to Capital and Special Revenue Projects; as well as projects identified during the course of the year for inclusion as Revenue Growth Items or Special Revenue Projects in the Council’s Revenue Budget or Capital Projects for 2024/25 and beyond.


The Committee received and considered the tabled report of the Responsible Financial Officer.


Members heard that projects to fit the new boiler at Burwell Hall and redecorate the Gallery Room and Café at the Corn Exchange had been completed. Members agreed that the project to improve the lighting up of the Corn Exchange for special events should continue to be investigated and reported back to the Committee.


Members noted the proposal to increase the closed churches budget by £5,000 to facilitate repair, this was discussed later in the meeting as Agenda Item 13.


The Town Clerk updated members on the reasoning for the upgrade of toilet facilities at Burwell Hall, which dated from the 1980’s; she also explained the reasoning behind ensuring that the replacement glazing project at the Langdale Hall take place.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the revised capital and special revenue projects budget for 2023/24 and the proposed capital and special revenue projects budget for 2024-25 and beyond be agreed, subject to further adjustments in the final budget and,

3.      That, the project to improve lighting up the Corn Exchange be costed out by officers and,

4.      That, Officers continue to work on the project to replace the sanitaryware at Burwell Hall and Glazing at Langdale Hall.


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