Agenda item

Application for Pavement Licence - Gails,17 Market Square Witney - W/23/01080/PAVLIC

To note the Pavement Licence Application for Gail's 17 Market Square Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020.


Given the short statutory timescale for Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents are circulated electronically for the consideration of members of this Committee and the responses collated.


Witney Town Council submitted a ‘No comment’ response to West Oxfordshire District Council.



The Committee noted the Pavement Licence Application for Gails, 17 Market Square Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020.


Given the short statutory timescale for Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents were circulated electronically to members of this Committee. Officers received no comments from Members.




That, a ‘No Comment” response be forwarded to the licencing team at West Oxfordshire District Council.


Supporting documents: