Agenda item

Youth Services

To receive a verbal update and recommendation from the Stronger Communities Committee concerning funding of Youth Services in Witney, if appropriate.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Town Clerk relating to the draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) that was being prepared for agreement with Bright Futures, in relation to a detached youth service


Members heard that the Town Clerk had received an email from the group raising some questions on the draft SLA on 22 September 2023, and for that reason she had not been able to circulate an agreed draft for consideration by the Committee.  The church trustees had detailed the metrics in which they proposed to feedback to the Council in order to monitor its success. The Town Clerk asked members for suggestions. Measurements such as increase and decrease of attendees was clearly seen as important, however this must be measured in numbers.


A Member also raised the importance of care to be taken around the language the council used in the agreement so as not to adversely judge young people, one suggestion was that rather than refer to “Anti-Social Behaviour”  it could be measured as “Contacts with the Police”. Members saw the vital importance of having external measures from third parties such as the police.


Another key concern raised was that regular reports to the Council were made as part of the due diligence process. This included, asking questions such as, Which organisations or support groups would  they be referring on to?, what training do they ensure is undertaken?, who are they accountable to for Safeguarding?




1.      That, the verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the metrics discussed are considered by Officers in their discussion with the Trustees of the youth group provider.