Agenda item

Bus Shelters – West Witney

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk outlining the imminent install of four new bus shelters at Windrush Place.


A member raised that the original agreement was that six shelters would be provided and that in June 2023 it was agreed between Tetra Tech and Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) that these would include Sedum living roofs. It was understood that the reduction was due to two of the original planned shelters being sited directly outside of properties and this was now deemed not suitable.

The member provided contact details of the officer at OCC that the consortium had been in discussions with so that Officers could investigate further.


The Committee raised their concerns of adoption of bus shelters prior to the adoption of the roadways by OCC, they ask that any damage to the shelters that is suffered whilst construction continues is the liability of the developers. Members ask that a condition of adoption to be that the shelters have sedum living roofs.


Members also ask that if only four bus stops are provided rather than the original six, they would like to see the developer cost saving for this to be paid to the council towards the ongoing upkeep of bus shelters across the town.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the adoption of shelters is subject to them having sedum living roofs and that damage during the construction stage is the responsibility of the developer and,

3.      That, Officers request that the shelters have a reduced level of Perspex and,

4.      That, the bus shelter maintenance budget be increased to £3,000.


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