Agenda item

Town Centre Partnership

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O.


The Committee received the report of the Town Clerk outlining the plan to reformulate a Witney Partnership Forum.


As advised in the report the first meeting was scheduled for the following day, 19September 2023, the Town Clerk welcomed comments from members ahead of the meeting on what the objectives of the Town Partnership should be. She would report back on the outcome at a future meeting.


Members asked that questions were raised as to how the market could be improved with such ideas as more affordable rents, better signage and the cleaning up of open spaces all of which would lead to drive footfall into the town and support existing and encourage new businesses. Other towns run successful markets so no reason Witney could not.


Members also asked the identification of Safe Spaces for youths was part of the forum discussion.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, members comments be raised at the forum meeting by the Town Clerk.


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