Agenda item

Community Engagement Report

To receive and consider the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


Members agreed to launch the Citizen of the Year award and encouraged each other to provide nominations themselves, they were also all in support of the signing up to the White Ribbon Promise as it was felt that this must be underlined if change is to be made.


Members also discussed with vigour the idea of marking the 80th D-Day Anniversary, some members were of the opinion that a number of significant events relating to WW2 were upcoming over the next 18 months and consideration could be given to an event that would celebrate the peace that came from the heroic actions of D-Day instead. It was agreed by the Committee that a Task & Finish group would be appropriate to finalise arrangements.





1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, delegate decision to mark World Mental Health Day to officers and,

3.      That, funding up to £100 is awarded to support heritage walks as part of car free day and,

4.      That, the Citizen of the Year award is run as per the previous format and,

5.      That, Witney Town Council sign the White Ribbon Promise subject to agreement by the Personal Sub-Committee and,

6.      That, a budget of £1,000 be allocated to the 80th D-Day Anniversary event and a Task & Finish group created.


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