Agenda item

Property & Legal Matters

To receive a confidential verbal update from the Town Clerk/C.E.O.


The Committee received a confidential verbal update from the Town Clerk.


Members received and considered correspondence from Witney Allotment Association (WAA) regarding the services and administration they provide.

Members welcomed the close working relationship with the Association, assisted via the regular contact with both the Operations Manager and the Town Council’s nominated representative, Councillor Crouch on their Committee.

There was agreement that the current arrangement for administration of allotments should continue.


The Chair advised there was a need for a storage shed and lawn mower at Lakeside Allotments, members discussed the request and recommended these be funded from the Council’s earmarked Allotments reserve. All members agreed.


Members went on to discuss matters arising from two of the buildings in the Council’s portfolio.

This included the need for replacement glazing in Langdale Hall to ensure the property was maintained correctly and to help improve the council’s carbon footprint.


They also heard the lease at Madley Park Hall was due for renegotiation.




  1. That, the verbal update be noted and,
  2. That, the Witney Allotment Association are contacted to advise the current arrangement for administration of allotments should continue and,
  3. That, a storage shed and lawnmower to the cost of £2,900 and £300 respectively be funded from the allotments earmarked reserve and,
  4. That, the Town Clerk explore options for replacement glazing for Langdale Hall, and into funding in consultation with the tenants.
  5. That, the Town Clerk explores options regarding the lease at Madley Park Hall


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