Agenda item

Corn Exchange Business Plan

To receive the Plan prepared by the Venue & Events Officer.


The Committee received and considered the Business Plan prepared by the Venue & Events Officer with details of the aims for the next 3 years.


A member raised concerns that the Corn Exchange did not show an indication of making a profit. Members discussed at length the aims of the venue and agreed that the main objective was to provide facilities for local groups/organisations as well as a safe and warm space for individuals; therefore if there was a drive to make more profit this may affect the footfall of the café and have an adverse effect.


A member reminded the Committee that the Corn Exchange was not the only “financial burden on Taxpayers” by the very nature of how the Council received funds from the Precept to fund the services it operates then so were Cemeteries, Parks & Recreations and all functions of the Council.


Members felt that the Business Plan should include a Statement of Use, explaining it welcomes a broad appeal of events, arranges free community events and for the Social Value of the Corn Exchange quantified in future versions of the Business Plan.


The Committee questioned the financial projections within the report, it showed the increase in expenditure outstripped the increase in income and they would welcome greater clarification on this.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the Business Plan be reviewed by Officers for consideration by this committee at a future meeting and,

3.      That, the future version of the report to show Social Value, clarification of the financial information and a Statement of Use for the Corn Exchange.


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