Agenda item

Recreation Ground Signage

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received the report of the Operation Manager regarding the installation of signage at the council’s recreation Grounds.


Members raised several questions which the Head of Estates & Operations was able to answer to confirm that signage was a legal requirement to inform users of the grounds of specific prohibitive activities. Members were keen to ensure that the signs were minimal, clear, welcoming, and as positive as possible. Using wording such as “respect and responsible” rather than “no”.


Members discussed the size of the signs, a vote was taken 5 votes for Option A and 2 votes for Option B. Therefore, a A2 sized sign was chosen.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, officers to draft a A2 sized sign for presentation to the committee for approval and,

3.      That, a maximum amount of £2,775 be agreed for the signs, funded from property maintenance budgets for the grounds. Any additional being sought from the Council’s Infrastructure Earmarked reserve.


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