Agenda item

Play Area Renewals

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.


The committee received the report from the Operations Manager regarding the replacement of play equipment at Burwell and King George’s play areas.


In response to a question from a Member, the Head of Estates and Operations explained how RoSPA carry out the grading and associated risk of play equipment. He outlined the replacement play equipment outlined in the report was well researched and it was replacing items that were over 10 years old and well used.


Members discussed a previous resolution to replace all equipment in play areas at the same time, but a pressing need had been presented before them and equipment degraded over varying times. With regard to the replacement of the Burwell play area Cable Way; it was  agreed that as this was a very well used piece of equipment it should be repaired. Some members were initially hesitant in replacing the Multiplay apparatus at King George’s Field however, following discussions it was agreed to proceed with this replacement in order to ensure that the play parks remain useable and safe for children.


A proposal was made by Councillor Smith, Seconded by Councillor Aitman to proceed with all the recommendations in the report. A vote was taken and there was unanimous agreement.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the council continues with periodic replacement of play equipment when required and,

3.      That, replacement of the Cableway at Burwell and Multiplay area at King George’s be delegated to officers to proceed with a maximum budget of £38,651 funded from the Council’s Play Area EMR and as a supplementary estimate from the general fund.




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