Agenda item

Infrastructure Locality Team

To receive the report of the Oxfordshire County Council Infrastructure Locality Team.


The Committee received and considered the report from the Oxfordshire County Council Area Infrastructure Locality Team concerning updates on several projects underway in Witney. Specific updates included:


7.1 Shores Green, Access to Witney, this project was progressing, key dates and further information were in the Officer report.


7.2 Burford Road Signal Crossing, some work had taken place and the electricity supply had now been installed, OCC would continue to follow up with developers.


7.3 Work to improve and replace bus shelters was scheduled for October. Locations as per the Officer report.


7.4 Work on the short-term measures for Witney High Street had been ordered, delivery of the measures was expected before Christmas.


Cllr R. Smith joined the meeting at 3:15pm


7.5 – This item was heard separately through Agenda Item 6.


7.6 Windrush Place S106 West Witney – Active Travel Schemes. Design work was expected in March 2024, there were no further updates on delivery timescales.


7.7 Bridge Street Area Options Appraisal Report – The report had been finalised but was not yet published. Engagement and publication was planned for after the Witney High Street engagement was finished in October.


7.8 This item was discussed through Agenda Item 3 (T47).


7.9 Traffic Lights on Woodford Way – Oxfordshire County Council Officers conducted a site visit in June. An overview of this was provided in the Agenda Pack. OCC advised that the lights should be retained in the interest of pedestrian safety. Observations had been noted by OCC Officers, to be considered ahead of the next replacement or refurbishment of this infrastructure. In the meantime, it was suggested that a junction count and review of the existing signal timings was conducted.


7.10 A study had been carried out to consider the issues caused by car parking on Harvest Way/Barleyfield Way. OCC Officers had suggested three possible solutions.


The Committee were advised the current setup was a design feature of Madley Park, and that ‘Passive Traffic Calming’ was designed to reduce vehicle speeds through the estate. There was a danger of increasing vehicle speeds if new measures created faster ‘through routes’, and one of the solutions came at a cost of losing on-road car parking spaces.


Solution 2 -  ‘Introduce Keep Clear markings at the dropped kerb crossing points.’ was deemed the preferred option. The cost of this is the line marking, the budget for this year was already spent and therefore this would be taken forward for consideration in the next budget year. In the meantime, the Ward Councillor for the area would report back to the residents group that had originally raised this issue and seek feedback on the recommended solution.


7.11 OCC Officers advised that the terms of the 20mph transformation programme did not include traffic calming. A Speed Survey could be carried out, costs being passed to Witney Town Council. Traffic calming was not in the remit of the Town Council, however, given that the Town Council were supporting the Community Speedwatch Scheme, this area would be added to the list of sites where vehicle speeds would be monitored.


7.12 This item was discussed through Agenda Item 3 (T46).




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, Cllr. Smith would engage with Madley Park residents’ association to seek feedback on enhanced road markings at crossing points on Harvest Way/Barleyfield Way and,

3.      That, Officers would find a suitable location for a Community Speedwatch site on Cogges Hill Road.




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