Agenda item

Witney High Street - Feedback & Consultation

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the County Council’s Witney and Market Square improvement project.


A presentation from County Council officers administering the project had taken place at the end of the previous week and this had helped focus where support was required. This was a hugely important and emotive issue which would affect Witney residents, businesses and visitors for years to come and a separate consultation could be counterproductive and confusing; ideas and suggestions would be better placed as part of the official planned process which was only just over a month away.


There was agreement however, that the Council should support the promotion of the Oxfordshire County Council’s consultation sessions in all the usual ways; posters, website, flyers and on social media.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the Town Council works collaboratively with Oxfordshire County Council to ensure the greatest possible promotion of its consultation, including exhibitions and stakeholder meetings.

Supporting documents: