Agenda item

Leys Recreation Ground Masterplan and Improvements

To receive the confidential report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).


The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) and an additional confidential verbal update from the Town Clerk.


The report outlined the Leys Masterplan project being undertaken by Courtside Hubs CIC and partly funded by the Town Council. Members were updated on the progress, content and financial management of the project, including discussions on VAT. The Council’s financial and risk obligations were foremost in mind and reassurance was provided that due diligence was being undertaken by Officers to protect its long-term interests.


Officers would continue to work collaboratively with Courtside to achieve such a positive addition to the Leys and residents, but timeframes were tight and quick decisions may have to be made imminently.




That, the confidential updates from the RFO and Town Clerk be noted.

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