Agenda item

Youth Services

To receive the confidential report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning youth services in Witney.


Members were advised the Stronger Communities Committee had held conversations with local stakeholders and groups regarding the lack of youth services following the closure of Got2B CIC. That Committee had recommended a portion of the Council’s youth services budget should be allocated towards financially supporting a weekly mental health drop-in event for young people in the Corn Exchange during the summer holidays.


A further recommendation was concerning a future detached youth work venture which had been proposed by a local organisation. To establish the proposed scheme, the Council would need to allocate a large proportion of the remaining youth services budget to this scheme resulting in no further youth service grants being awarded from this fund.


Members welcomed the mental health drop-in event and the detached youth work proposal and approved both recommendations.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, £1,200 from the youth services budget be allocated towards the APCAM mental health drop-in event and,

3.      That, approximately £28,000 from the youth services budget be allocated towards a detached youth work project, subject to further clarification on the project from officers.

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