Agenda item

Litter & Dog Waste Bins Review

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


Members received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk regarding requests for litter and dog bins within the town.


Members were disappointed to hear of West Oxfordshire District Council’s former decision to remove a large number of bins across the town, particularly in areas where rubbish was highly likely to be generated such as outside of shops was still impacting residents. The town council simply couldn’t afford to re-install bins which had been removed, especially on land not under its ownership.


A Member discussed a number of areas and asked that council write to WODC to encourage a review of these areas and a reconsideration of reinstallation of bins. All members agreed.


Due to the ongoing issues from the above project, the Committee agreed the existing policy on installing litter and dog bins outlined in the report should be re-affirmed.


The Members discussed the costs of installation of litter and dog bins and were pleased to hear the town council was due to install additional dog bins on its land to improve the areas for which it is responsible. Again, all members agreed this action being taken and welcomed it continuing within agreed budgets. They further agreed that requests for bins in bus shelters should be declined and reviewed at a future meeting.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, a letter is sent to the District Council to outline the disappointment of the council and a request to review bin locations and,

3.      That, the council current policy on installation of new litter and dog bins continues and,

4.      That, the council continue to invest in infrastructure on its land to ensure a clean and tidy environment.


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