Agenda item

Youth Services

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with a verbal update from the Chair following meetings held between Councillors, local providers, groups, organisations following the cessation of Got2B CIC.


It was clear from the conversations, that following the closure of Got2B CIC, there would be little detached youth work in Witney and the Council needed to decide to what level and cost it could help facilitate more help for young people during the summer and beyond.


Members considered the Youth Needs Assessment provided by West Oxfordshire District Council which detailed the need for detached youth work, as well as the comments of youngsters about what they saw as priorities on safety, activities and their futures in the town. Actions from this had yet to be agreed at District Council level but a Member advised there would potentially be funds available from a WODC COVID relief fund that could be used towards the costs of the long-term solution and this should be explored further.


In relation to additional summer services, it was agreed there was only limited time to implement suggestions, but Members supported a proposal from APCAM to provide a weekly mental health session for a 5-week period over the summer in the Corn Exchange. All Members were in favour of providing this vital service at a cost of £1,200, to be taken from the youth services budget.


Members voted as to whether the remaining youth services budget should be opened for youth grant applications as in previous years but they agreed not to proceed due to the pressing need for a detached youth service, and that the remaining budget should be used to support work in this area.


Therefore, the Committee discussed aa proposal received from a local organisation to deliver detached youth work within the forthcoming year with the option to provide this under the project name Bright Futures. There were concerns from Members on the running and governance of this scheme which would use the majority of the remaining youth services budget. A Vote was taken, all members were in agreement to proceed with the proposal with the exception of Councillor R Smith who abstained from the vote. Members asked that Officers liaise further with the organisation to clarify some further points and to progress the project.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, a grant of £1,200 be budgeted for APCAM to provide 5 weekly young people mental health drop-in sessions in the Corn Exchange and,

3.      That, no Youth Services Grant Award Scheme is launched for 2023/24 and,

4.      That, the above funds be made available to support Witney detached youth work for the Bright Futures project and that officers finalise its implementation.

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