Agenda item

West Witney Cricket Rental Agreement

To receive the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager regarding a request for a rental agreement at West Witney Sports Ground from Witney Swifts  Cricket Club.


As discussed earlier in the meeting there was a potential for the cricket square at The Leys may be removed and therefore Members discussed that the council, if they agreed to an exclusive rental agreement, would be left without a cricket square that would be available to any other team that wishes to play in the town.


Officers confirmed the Council had already had two cricket teams use the facility at West Witney for occasional games this year.


Regarding the request from Witney Swifts for them to take on the ground’s maintenance, the Operations Manager gave members a summary of the work the Council carries out in preparation for matches which was necessary to meet the league playing standard, and he highlighted the potential for loss to the council if incorrect methods lead to damage of the pitch.


It was agreed that Officers should contact Witney Swifts and enquire what improvements could be made to ground maintenance to improve the playing experience within the league and therefore help resolve their issues without the Council passing responsibility and running of the facility to a third party.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, a decision is deferred to allow Officers to further explore options of improving the facility and,

3.      That, Officers speak with Witney Swifts to ascertain if any improvements they desire can be made to the ground.


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