Agenda item

Pre-Season Football Pitch Update

To receive the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager in respect of the council’s football pitch provision.


The Operations Manager gave a verbal update explaining the history of the football pitches under the Town Council’s control as well as talking through the options outlined in the report.


Members were concerned about the potential removal of the Cricket Square at The Leys which had been presented an option to increase the number of available adult football pitches. Even though the square had not been in use for over four years, if it was removed it would be difficult to return it in the future should the need for cricket to be played there occur.


In addition, the re-establishment of a football pitch on the current event field at The Leys would mean that there would be significant impact for one year on events being held whilst the work was carried out. Members were again concerned that although football was in great demand, there was a large portion of the community which did not participate and would be affected by the reduction or relocation of annual events if they were unable to take place on The Leys, which is after all was a central location.


Members agreed that the Town Council should contact local cricket clubs and former users of the Leys Cricket Square to establish their future requirements and needs and to make Contact  with the landowners of the “Henry Box Sport fields” to investigate the options that may exist for events or sporting activities to be held there.


With regard to additional football pitches, Members noted that new facilities at Windrush Place should be playable for the forthcoming season. Discussions were ongoing at District Council level with developers regarding these pitches, including their playability, availability and potential use but being aware of the expected needs, it was agreed the town council should correspond with the District Council to express the urgency for them to be utilised from September.


The Operations Manager emphasised that  although additional pitches and resources may become available in the longer term, the council needed to make a decision regarding what facilities it had under its ownership now.




1.      That, the report and verbal update is noted and,

2.      That, officers speak with cricket clubs and former users of The Leys Cricket Square to establish demand and,

3.      That, Officers contact the landowner of Henry Box School playing field to ascertain if it could be used for sporting activities and events and,

4.      That, the Town Council writes to West Oxfordshire District Council to request that a playability report on the pitches is undertaken as soon as possible, and if suitable, that a temporary access is constructed to ensure the pitches can be used for the forthcoming season.


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