Agenda item

Committee Objectives and Work Programme for The Municipal Year

To receive the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O. (to follow).


The Committee received and considered a verbal update from the Town Clerk/C.E.O. concerning its objectives and work programme for the forthcoming year.


A copy of the Council’s Parks & Open Spaces Strategy and a list of earmarked reserves (EMR’s), set aside for specific projects were tabled. Following requests to each standing committee during this meeting cycle, this was an opportunity for Members to scrutinise any further objectives or projects for the whole Council which would help develop a four-year strategic plan.


There were questions from Members on EMR’s for election expenses, the Corn Exchange lift replacement, community infrastructure, fixed assets and St Mary’s Church wall repairs as well as the difference between the Council’s capital finance reserve and its rolling capital funds, which were clarified by Officers.


The Committee was pleased to see so many projects underway including management of Windrush Place sports pitches/pavilion, responsibility for sports pitches at Madley Park, a new Pesticides Policy, an updated Safeguarding Policy, and refurbishment of West Witney Sports Clubhouse, but were also keen to see more reserves for the auspices of the Stronger Communities Committee to provide targeted spending for residents.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the current objective and work programme be agreed and,

3.      That, the projects above be noted to help update the historic Parks & Open Spaces Strategy and a new four-year strategic plan.