Agenda item

Major Strategic Projects

To receive and consider the confidential report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O (to follow).


The Committee received a confidential verbal update on major and strategic projects being undertaken by the Council.


Members were advised a tender for the refurbishment of the Leys Skate Park had been published in the previous week, after officers had worked closely with Courtside Hubs CIC to meet the Leys Masterplan timelines. Additional funds had been provided by Courtside CIC and several grants had been applied for to offer the best possible outcome for users.


The Town Clerk also advised that the Community Ownership Fund had recently amended its criteria so town and parish councils could apply for grants for dilapidated buildings, or where a service was coming to an end/no longer available. The next deadline for applications was 12th July so Members were asked if there were any projects they would like to pursue with this in mind.




That, the confidential update be noted.