Agenda item

Property & Legal Matters

To receive and consider the confidential report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O (to follow).


The Committee received a confidential verbal update from the Town Clerk concerning property and legal matters.


Members were advised that the Council’s Property Agents were dealing with negotiations at The Leys, West Witney Tennis Courts, and West Witney Sports & Social Club. Discussions were also due to be held with Madley Park Hall Trust regarding a new lease and the future of the facility.


In addition, the Council was still in negotiations with West Oxfordshire District Council for play areas at Madley Park, Ralegh Crescent, Waterford Lane and Unterhaching Park. They were at varying stages of completion and work was required in some areas before the transfer could take place, as was discussion on the Madley Park playing fields.




That, the confidential update be noted.