Agenda item

Bus Shelters

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


Members received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk regarding replacement and new bus shelters.


The Committee were supportive of the replacements scheme which was being administered and mostly funded by Oxfordshire County Council as part of an accessibility project. A sum of £7,000 would need to be provided by the town council which was affordable and provide new community infrastructure.


Members discussed the installation of poster boards inside the shelters and thought it important to make use of these to promote the activity of the council however, had reservations of  potential vandalism that may be caused and the additional work that these would create for officers to maintain. There was a query on whether these could be installed retrospectively.


Members also discussed the installation of cycle racks and bins at the shelter locations. All members were in agreement of the delegation to officers to progress the project and implement cycle racks or bins as required from the community infrastructure earmarked reserve (EMR).




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the replacement project proceeds as presented and,

3.      That, the committee agreed to a contribution to the scheme of £7,010.52 from the Community Infrastructure EMR and,

4.      That, contrasting colour of shelters be used within the scheme and,

5.      That, Noticeboards are not included in the design and,

6.      That, delegated to officer to include cycle racks or bins as required from the community infrastructure budget.

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