Agenda item

Witney Youth Council

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


Members received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk relating to the reintroduction of a Youth Council. The Deputy Town Clerk explained by way of a verbal update the current aim was to establish a framework from which the youth council could be built.


Members discussed at length ideas on how best to approach young people within the community to ensure that a good representation is established. This could be by speaking directly to them at school assemblies, approaching churches, youth groups and other similar organisations or an Open Forum to include a broad a net as possible and ensure young people were included in the formation.


Members suggested that any task & finish group set up to establish the groundwork should be apolitical, which was agreed by others.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, a Witney Youth Council be re-established with a broad reach and,

3.      That, a task & finish group be created with an invitation to join being made to all councillors at a meeting of the Full Council.


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