To receive the report of the Venue & Events Officer.
The Committee received the report of the Venue & Events Officer which provided details of events for the current year.
Members discussed the approach from Oxford Playhouse to host another outreach theatre event of The Leys. They believed this was an important free event which was well received last year. Members agreed a budget of up to £2,000 which the Town Clerk confirmed could be sought by the general account.
They also agreed that the request from the Coffee Shed for free use of the area outside the café for music performances should be approved on the condition that it does not infringe on any sports bookings that are to be played at The Leys.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, a budget of £2,000 be allocated from the General Account for Oxford Playhouse outreach theatre at The Leys and,
3. That, the request from Coffee Shed for use of land adjacent to the pavilion be approved for their events.
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