Agenda item

Witney Lake Fishing Season

To receive the report of the Biodiversity & Green Spaces Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Biodiversity and Green Spaces Officer following a request from Witney Angling Society to extend the fishing season at Witney Lake.


The Deputy Town Clerk corrected the report as to the level of the current fishing rights charge, which was £917 including VAT and not the £1,500 quoted.


Members discussed the proposal and were pleased the extension would be carefully monitored by both the Angling Society and the Biodiversity and Green Spaces Officer. They agreed that a pro-rata increase in the rent would be appropriate therefore the new rent would be £1,120 inclusive of VAT.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the extension to the fishing season at Witney Lake be granted and,

3.      That, the annual fishing rights charge be raised to £1,120 including inflation.

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