Agenda item

Burwell Hall Heating System Update

To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Project Officer and a verbal update from the Head of Operations who explained the reasons for suggesting the decision to proceed with the Fuel Cell Boiler be rescinded.


Members were dispirited to hear the Council would not be proceeding with the more climate friendly option, however Members understood why the more reliable option of a replacement Gas boiler needed to be sought. That, along with a control module and remote access the council would significantly reduce its gas consumption.


All members were in favour of rescinding the decision to purchase the Fuel Cell boiler and agreeing to  the purchase of a new gas boiler to the delegated to officers.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, Standing Orders be adjourned to rescind the decision to purchase and install the Micro Fuel Cell CHP Boiler and,

3.      That, purchase of a new gas boiler with modern control and remote access be agreed and delegated to officers.


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