Agenda item

Retractable Seating Sponsorship

To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer.


Members received and considered the report of the Project Officer in relation to the sponsorship of seating within the Corn Exchange.


Members discussed the possibility of a corporate membership being offered alongside that of individual. Members also discussed the potential offering of discounted tickets, a regular newsletter and a patron’s survey.


The Committee also asked for the option of positioning of the plaque on the back of the seat rather than the base is explored.


It was proposed and seconded that a corporate membership be offered for £200 and the Individual for £100, each to last five years and provide two Cinema Tickets and Priority Booking. The Corporate membership would receive four free glasses of Prosecco and the Individual two glasses. A vote took place, and all members were in favour of the proposal.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, both a corporate and individual membership be offered for a 5-year term and,

3.      That, membership includes two Cinema Tickets and Priority Booking and Prosecco, four glasses for Corporate and two glasses for individual.

4.      That, the option to position plaques on the back of the seat is explored by the Project Officer.





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