Agenda item

Committee Objectives and Work Programme for The Municipal Year

To receive the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O.


The Committee received and considered the report and of the Town Clerk/C.E.O along with verbal clarification, concerning its objectives and work programme for the forthcoming year.


The Town Clerk gave Members a summary of the history of Madley Park Hall including the details of the funding provided by the Council. The Lease had expired, and she was due to meet with the Chair of Madley Park Hall so would provide an update following the meeting.


The Leader of the council asked Members for items they wished to add to the Work Programme. The suggestion of Cycle Racks for St Marys, Church Green was the only request.


A Member asked why commencement of items listed in the adopted Open Spaces Strategy had lapsed. The Town Clerk advised that the other projects had received priority.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the current objective and work programme be agreed and,

3.      That, Cycle Racks at St Marys, Church Green be added to the plan for further consideration by officers.

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