Agenda item

Projects Update

To receive the report of the Project Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Project Officer updating them on the Covid-19 memorial and Late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Garden Sundial legacy project.


Members discussed the additional funding required to complete the Covid-19 Memorial and all agreed to an additional £1,000 of budget as it was important to complete this project correctly and give it the respect due. The funds would allow inscription on the two stones – together and apart which told the story of the pandemic.


Members were disappointed to hear that the sundial had been subjected to vandalism and it was now no longer able to be used as measures to make it more vandal-proof had caused further damage. Members delegated to officers explore other options for its use somewhere in the town.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, £1,000 additional budget is allocated to enable the carving of the Covid stones and,

3.      That, officers explore a solution for the installation of the Sundial.


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